Vocal Cord Paralysis
What Causes Vocal Cord Paralysis?
Vocal cord paralysis can be due to viral infection, neck trauma, neck or chest surgery, lung cancer, or thyroid surgery. The symptoms are hoarseness, shortness of breath, cough, choking and aspiration pneumonia. The treatment is by speech therapy and vocal cord medialisation using injection technique or thyroplasty implant.
How is the Diagnosis made?
There diagnosis is made by simply listening to your voice which will sound hoarse, weak and breathy and by looking into your larynx using a small fibre light called Nasal Endoscope which is introduced through your nose or mouth in the clinic.
What is the Treatment?
The treatment is by speech therapy and vocal cord medialisation using injection technique or thyroplasty implant. Newer treatment called laryngeal re-innervation is now available. In this operation the damaged nerve is re-connected with another normal nerve to improve the voice.
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